Deleting product sets
Deleting product sets
Function http://<DOMAIN>/api/productSet/remove
- token - authorization key obtained through the auth function
- articles[] - array of articles of sets to be removed
- articles[n] - articles of the set
- status - status of the function execution
- OK - sets of articles were successfully deleted
- WARNING - one or more sets of goods were not deleted
- response.log - log of function execution for each record
- response.log[i].article - article of the set
- response.log[i].deleted - whether the product set was deleted or not
- response.log[i].message - explanation of the deleted set status
Query example http://<DOMAIN>/api/productSet/remove/
{ "token": "24a75d0678c49a34030e35baeb376ff3", "articles": ["PRODUCT_SET_ARTICLE", "0002317217.124000"] }
Response example
{ "status": "WARNING", "response": { "log": [ { "article": "PRODUCT_SET_ARTICLE", "deleted": true, "message": "The product set deleted" }, { "article": "0002317217.124000", "deleted": false, "message": "Error when deleting a set. Set with the specified article was not found" } ] } }