Cartum API Documentation

Cartum API Documentation

API Gateway

The API gateway is accessible at http(s)://<DOMAIN>/api/


To use the API, you need a login and password, which can be created in the site's admin panel under the Settings - Users tab.


The API operates over HTTP/HTTPs. Functions are passed through the URL as http://<DOMAIN>/api/<FUNCTION>/.

If the site uses HTTPS, the API must be accessed via HTTPS as well.

Request Methods

JSON POST (Recommended)The Content-type: application/json field must be passed in the request header for correct data processing on the server. Parameters should be passed in the body of the request in JSON format


Standard POST (Deprecated)It is transmitted as standard according to HTTP 1.1 specifications (in the request body). The Content-type: multipart/form-data or Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header must be passed.param_1=2&param_2=4

All field names and values should be encoded in UTF-8. Responses are also returned in UTF-8 encoding.

Important Notes

  • When using UTF-8 encoding in requests, data should be transmitted without the BOM line.
  • Responses are similarly returned without BOM.
  • It's strongly recommended to use JSON POST requests with Content-type:application/json header.

Starting from version 3.8.0, if you send content via JSON POST method in encoding other than UTF-8, it is necessary to specify it explicitly in the header (for example: "Content-type: application/json; charset=windows-1251").

If you need to receive a response from the server in an encoding other than UTF-8, you should also specify the Accept-Charset header with the required encoding (see https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.2).

Response Format

Responses are always in JSON format and include the following fields:

statusIndicates the status of the request

Possible values:

  • "OK" (success),
  • "UNAUTHORIZED" (authorization required or token not provided),
  • "AUTHORIZATION_ERROR" (authorization error),
  • "EXCEPTION" (server error),
  • "ERROR" (general error, with details in response.message),
  • "EMPTY" (no results),
  • "UNDEFINED_FUNCTION" (nonexistent function called),
  • "HTTP_ERROR" (HTTP error, with response.code and response.message explaining the error).
responseContains the server's response, dependent on the status and function called.

JSON POST request example

POST https://foo.bar/api/func/action
Content-Type: application/json

{"param_1": "value_1", "param_2": "value_2"}

Server response example

Response example
	"status": "OK",
	"response": {"foo": "bar"}


Logs of requests and server responses are available at http://<DOMAIN>/api/logs/. To access logs, authenticate in the admin panel at http://<DOMAIN>/edit/login.php using the API login and password.


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