Product set import
Function productSet/import (http://<DOMAIN>/api/productSet/import/)
- token - authorization key obtained through the auth function
- items[] - list of sets
- items[i].article - article of the set (mandatory parameter). It must be unique within sets and items
- items[i].title - name of the set. The default is "Cheaper Together"
- items[i].discountPercent - relative discount on the kit relative to the original price.
- items[i].initialPrice - initial price of the set. If not specified, the cost of all items in the set is summarized
- items[i].discountedPrice - the cost of the set with the discount taken into account. If not specified, it will be calculated automatically relative to the parameters "initialPrice" and "discountPercent".
- items[i].currency - ISO currency code of the set
- items[i].enabled - enable kit (boolean)
- items[i].sortOrder - order of displaying the kit. The lower the value, the higher the priority
- items[i].products[] - list of items that form the kit. Not less than two and, by default, not more than five items (the setting can be changed).
- items[i].products[n] - article of the item in the set
- status - status of the function execution
- OK - all sets of goods were successfully added/updated
- WARNING - one or more sets of goods were not added/updated
- response.log - log of function execution for each record
- response.log[i].article - set article
- response.log[i]['info'][n].code - record update status (see the code table below)
- response.log[i]['info'][n].message - code explanation
Set import log codes
Codes | Description |
0 | Set imported |
1 | The "discountPercent" parameter must be an integer between 0 and 100 |
2 | The parameter "initialPrice" must be a fractional number higher than 0 |
3 | The "discountedPrice" parameter must be a fractional number higher than O |
4 | The number of items in the set must be between 2 and the "maximum allowed number of items configured on the site". |
5 | The items in the set must not be repeated |
101 | The parameter "article" is mandatory |
102 | The set article cannot match the article of an existing product. |
103 | The "products" parameter is mandatory |
104 | Product with a certain article is not found |
105 | No article is specified for one of the items in the set |
106 | Currency not found |
400 | "The payload is not JSON". The request is made incorrectly. |
1000 | One of the products has an incorrect object type |
2000 | Unknown error |
Query example http://<DOMAIN>/api/productSet/import/
{ "token": "24a75d0678c49a34030e35baeb376ff3", "items":[ { "article":"PRODUCT_SET_ARTICLE", "title":"PRODUCT_SET_TITLE", "discountPercent":5, "initialPrice":150, "discountedPrice":100, "currency":"UAH", "enabled":true, "sortOrder":1, "products":[ "2317217", "MB829", "MD810" ] }, { "article":"2317217", "title":"PRODUCT_SET_TITLE", "discountPercent":5, "initialPrice":150, "discountedPrice":100, "currency":"USD", "enabled":false, "sortOrder":2, "products":[ "2317217", "MB829", "MD810", "MGR32", "MGTR2", "MD565" ] } ] }
Response example
{ "status":"WARNING", "response":{ "log":[ { "article":"PRODUCT_SET_ARTICLE", "info":[ { "code":0, "message":"Set imported" } ] }, { "article":"2317217", "info":[ { "code":102, "message":"The set article \"2317217\" cannot match the article of an existing product" } ] } ] } }