Payment status change

Payment status change

Starting with version 4.26

When the payment status of an order is changed to Payed, JSON data will be sent to the link that was registered as a data recipient for the order_paid event using the PUT method in the request body:

Data example:

{ "order_id": 50, "user": 12, "delivery_name": "Nataliia Ivanchenko", "delivery_email": "email@gmail.com", "delivery_phone": "+38 (050) 000-00-00", "payed": 1 }


  • order_id — order number

  • user — user ID in the system (unique for each user)

  • delivery_name — recipient full name

  • delivery_email — email (unique for each user within the system, duplication is not allowed)

  • delivery_phone — phone number

  • payed — Payed status, always has the value 1.