Export of payment options
Function payment/export (http://<DOMAIN>/api/payment/export/)
- token - authorization key received through the auth function
- status - status of the function execution
- OK - data exported
- EMPTY - no data for export
- response.payment - list of payment options
- response.payment[i].id - unique identifier of payment option
- response.payment[i].title - name of payment option
- response.payment[i].title.en - name of payment option in English
- response.payment[i].title.ro - name of payment option in Romanian
- ....
- response.payment[i].title.<LN> - name of the payment option in the particular language, where <LN> is the abbreviation of that language on the site
- response.payment[i].desc - description of the payment option
- response.payment[i].desc.en - description of payment option in English
- response.payment[i].desc.ro - description of payment option in Romanian
- ....
- response.payment[i].desc.<LN> - description of the payment option in the particular language, where <LN> is the abbreviation of that language on the site
- response.payment[i].payment_method - payment method identifier (see payment/exportMethods function)
- response.payment[i].enabled - payment option enabled
- response.payment[i].icon - link to payment option icon (for footer)
- response.payment[i].link - link to payment gateway
- response.payment[i].icon_title - icon description
- response.payment[i].icon_title.en - icon description in English
- response.payment[i].icon_title.ro - description of icon in Romanian
- ....
- response.payment[i].icon_title.<LN> - description of the icon in the particular language, where <LN> is the abbreviation of that language on the site
- response.payment[i].payment_instruction - payment instruction
- response.payment[i].payment_instruction.en - payment instruction in English
- response.payment[i].payment_instruction.ro - payment instruction in Romanian
- ....
- response.payment[i].payment_instruction.<LN> - payment instruction in the particular language, where <LN> is the abbreviation of that language on the site
Query example http://<DOMAIN>/api/payment/export/)
{ "token": "24a75d0678c49a34030e35baeb376ff3" }
Response example
{ "status": "OK", "response": { "payment": [ { "id": 12, "title": { "en": "Cashless payment", "ro": "Transfer bancar" }, "desc": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_method": 1, "enabled": true, "icon": null, "link": "", "icon_title": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_instruction": { "en": "", "ro": "" } }, { "id": 13, "title": { "en": "In cash", "ro": "Numerar" }, "desc": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_method": 1, "enabled": true, "icon": null, "link": "", "icon_title": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_instruction": { "en": "", "ro": "" } }, { "id": 14, "title": { "en": "Online payment (Stripe)", "ro": "Plata online (Stripe)" }, "desc": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_method": 2, "enabled": true, "icon": "http:\/\/my.cartum.dev\/content\/images\/50\/34905029336611.jpg", "link": "", "icon_title": { "en": "We accept payments with Visa\/Mastercard via Stripe", "ro": "Acceptăm plăți cu Visa\/Mastercard prin Stripe" }, "payment_instruction": { "en": "", "ro": "" } }, { "id": 15, "title": { "en": "Cash on delivery", "ro": "Plată la livrare" }, "desc": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_method": 1, "enabled": true, "icon": null, "link": "", "icon_title": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_instruction": { "en": "", "ro": "" } }, { "id": 16, "title": { "en": "PayPal", "ro": "PayPal" }, "desc": { "en": "", "ro": "" }, "payment_method": 4, "enabled": false, "icon": null, "link": "https:\/\/www.paypal.com\/", "icon_title": { "en": "PayPal", "ro": "PayPal" }, "payment_instruction": { "en": "", "ro": "" } } ] } }