- status - status of the function execution
- OK - currency rates were successfully unloaded
- EMPTY - the query failed
- response.currency[] - currency discount
- response.currency[i].id - currency identifier in the system
- response.currency[i].iso - international ISO code of currency
- response.currency[i].title - readable currency name
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[] - currency rates
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].relatedId - currency identifier for which the exchange rate is specified
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].relatedIso - international ISO code of the currency against which the exchange rate is specified
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].currentExchangeAmount - value of the amount of the source currency (response.currency[i].id) against which the exchange rate is calculated
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].relatedExchangeAmount - value of the current currency amount (response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].relatedId) against which the rate is calculated
- response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].exchangeCourse - exchange rate of the currency relative to 1 currency unit of the original currency and the current currency (response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].currentExchangeAmount / response.currency[i].exchangeRates[n].relatedExchangeAmount)
Request Query example to (http://<DOMAIN>/api/currency/export/):